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Explore International, a trading wing of Panchakanya Group

Glo-Protek - Glo-Protek Rust Converter
Oberon - Feature (CFL)

Our Oberon CFL is qualified bulbs that are available in a wide variety of shades of white light. It ranges from yellowish to white to bluish white light, which allows you to customize the mood of your space. These qualified bulbs come in "warm" colours to match the yellowish of incandescent bulbs, but you can also choose "cooler" colours with whiter or bluer light.


  • Outstanding colour rendering
  • Specific & confirmed life above 8000 hrs.
  • PCB boards & components installed by the machine
  • Saves 80% energy
  • Ballast used by PBT (Acts as a heat sink)
  • Noise and glint free
  • High luminous efficiency
  • Specially designed for Nepal (can operate smoothly in fluctuating current)
  • Wide range: 3w - 65 watts designed in Singapore (Spiral/U series) (E14/E27/B22) 2700k/6500k

About Explore International

Explore International is devoted to designing and one of the leading trading wing to introduce “SMART LIGHTING SOLUTION “products. These products set the standards high in the industry in terms of performance and reliability. The energy-saving and environmentally friendly products are designed in Singapore with emphasis on quality and value to customers. Presently Explore International has introduced OBERON Brand 2U/3U/4U and spiral series CFL and LED lights in the market and subsequently will launch OBERON'S various array of Smart Lighting products soon.

Colour & Mood

ENERGY STAR qualified bulbs are one of the best in the market and are in a wide variety of shades of white light, ranging from yellowish to white to bluish white light, which allows you to customize the mood of your space. ENERGY STAR qualified bulbs come in "warm" colours to match the yellowish light of incandescent bulbs, but you can also choose "cooler" colours with whiter or bluer light.


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